From the Catholic Community of Saint James in Molalla, Oregon
A n n o u n c e m e n t s
Each Friday in Lent Stations of the Cross is at 6:00pm followed by Soup Supper in the hall.
Marion Vicariate Lenten Penance Services March 27th, 6:30pm St. Paul, Silverton April 2nd, 7:00pm St. James, Molalla April 3rd, 6:30pm St. Paul, St. Paul
What is a Jubilee Year? A Jubilee Year is a special time in the Church’s tradition encouraging holiness through acts of reconciliation and communion with our brothers and sisters. Jubilee Year 2025 will be marked by special opportunities for grace through the Sacrament of Reconciliation, local pilgrimages and the Jubilee Indulgence. The theme is “Pilgrims of Hope”. To learn more about Jubilee Year 2025, click here.
The St James’ Youth Group is under the leadership of Adriana Mendoza. All parish youth, ages 12 to 17, are encouraged to register and participate. As well, Adriana is asking for adult volunteers to assist in Youth Group activities. Please see Adriana or Scott to register and/or volunteer to assist. Thank you!
For Religious Education information, please visit the
We are a Christian community from varied roots, united by God,
guided by St. James the Greater, worshiping, evangelizing and helping each other
towards holiness.
Somos una comunidad Cristian de raices variadas, unida por Dios,
guiada por Santiago el Mayor, adorando, evangelizando y se guiando mutuamente
hacia la santidad.
We form our young, adults and families to develop Christian
Values, that all may serve the church and community through faith.
Formamos a nuestros jovenes, adultos y familias para desarrollar
valores cristianos, que todos puedan server a la iglesia y a nuestra communidad por
medio de la fe.