


From the Catholic Community of Saint James
in Molalla, Oregon

 A n n o u n c e m e n t s


Thursday, July 4th (only)
Daily Mass is at 8:00am



St James will be conducting Vacation Bible School beginning 15 July and ending 19 July, from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm at the parish.  Registration for students will begin 26 May and end 7 July.  This year’s VBS theme is “Hometown Nazareth.”  Our VBS leadership team is in place, but we ask all those who are available to volunteer in any capacity to do so, please!  Contact Scott or Froi Otter for additional details.  Click here for registration form.

Santiago Apóstol llevará a cabo la Escuela Bíblica de Vacaciones a partir del 15 de julio y hasta el 19 de julio, de 9:00 a.m. a 12:00 p.m. en la parroquia.  Las inscripciones para los estudiantes comenzarán el 26 de mayo y finalizarán el 7 de julio.  El tema de la EBV de este año es “Nazaret de la ciudad natal”.  Nuestro equipo de liderazgo de VBS está en su lugar, pero les pedimos a todos aquellos que estén disponibles para ofrecerse como voluntarios en cualquier capacidad que lo hagan, ¡por favor!  Póngase en contacto con Scott o Froi Otter para obtener más detalles.  Haga clic aquí para obtener el formulario de inscripción.


The St James’ Youth Group is reestablished under the leadership of Adriana Mendoza. All parish youth, ages 12 to 17, are encouraged to register and participate. As well, Adriana is asking for adult volunteers to assist in Youth Group activities.  Please see Adriana or Scott to register and/or volunteer to assist.  Thank you!



CYO youth sports has been in existence in the Portland area since 1946. Camp Howard has been in existence since 1953. CYO/Camp Howard is committed to the dignity and worth of all youth. CYO/Camp Howard enables the gifted to excel and the less gifted to participate and improve. For more information click here.






Archdiocese Gender Document /
Documento de Género de la Arquidiócesis  



Scan this QR code to St. James Facebook page 


Financial Report / Informe financiero
July 2022 – June 2023  
Click Here 

Click here to send your
Announcement Request to the office
Haga clic aquí para enviar su solicitud de anuncio a la oficina






For Religious Ed. information, please visit the Religious Education Page.