Senior Center Collection envelopes are located in the pews. Your donation can be placed in the collection basket at all masses. If you would like to arrange for an ongoing donation, please call the office. (503-829-2080 Monday thru Thursday)
We are a Christian community from varied roots, united by God,
guided by St. James the Greater, worshiping, evangelizing and helping each other
towards holiness.
Somos una comunidad Cristian de raices variadas, unida por Dios,
guiada por Santiago el Mayor, adorando, evangelizando y se guiando mutuamente
hacia la santidad.
We form our young, adults and families to develop Christian
Values, that all may serve the church and community through faith.
Formamos a nuestros jovenes, adultos y familias para desarrollar
valores cristianos, que todos puedan server a la iglesia y a nuestra communidad por
medio de la fe.